#1. When a lady has a baby, you move, or you get up and let her sit down. That is an unwritten rule of being a man and being polite. Hell, even I have gotten up to give my seat to a pregnant woman or a woman carrying a baby.
#2. You ALWAYS offer your seat to a lady. Even if a woman is not with child or carrying one around, you should always offer your seat first. That is one of the top rules of etiquette. That is just common sense. And let me guess, I bet you're single, you think there's a reason? This kid didn't and look what happened to him: Bus Driver Beatdown.
#3. Never shove a woman out of the way so you can get the seat. You should never EVER put your hands on a woman, period, especially to get her out of your way. I had an incident this morning where I was walking along the platform with the flow of people, minding my own business, when all of a sudden a short man comes running through the crowd the wrong way (instead of walking with the crowd next to us going his way) and put both hands on my sides and shoved me out of the way. I slammed into the side of a Metro car, and if the car hadn't been there, I would have fallen off the platform onto the tracks. REALLY GUY?!?! Really? Where were you raised to treat a lady like that?!
#4. As the picture shows, sometimes men will take up an entire bench to themselves because they feel they're entitled. Well let me just set the record straight: NO man or woman is entitled to have an entire bench to themselves. Now I guarantee that if the situation was reversed and they were denied a seat, all hell would break loose. Once when riding (I actually put a picture of this on my FB a few months ago, I think around Halloween) this guy decided that he needs an entire designated handicapped bench for himself and his laptop case and his lunchbox. The man was later identified by a friend as someone who prides them self on being involved with the government. Total douche. I think if I remember correctly, the caption was something like "well apparently this asshole is going as a big fat fatty jerk for Halloween, as you can see, he needs the entire bench for his dough-boy ass and his precious computer case and lunchbox." Something along those lines.
Those are my top four most annoying things that men do on the Metro. In addition to that here is: hocking a loogie and spitting it on the platform, usually indoors, but you should NEVER spit in front of women anyways, and on an indoor floor none the less. Staring is one of my biggest pet peeves. I've had a few men stare at me like they wanted to take me home and chain me up in their basement, yes, super creepy men that you hear about in these child kidnapping stories. And lets not forget the douche who can afford the newest iPhone, but can't afford the headphones, even though they come with the thing. There is nothing I hate more than some jerk sitting in and enclosed space blasting his music from his phone because he just HAS to listen to it and can't put on his damn headphones. Thank you for raping everyone's ears with your terrible "music."
So men of the world who ride public transportation, please for the love of all things holy, grow a pair and act like a gentleman. Go and check out Peter Post's "Essential Manners for Men." Hey and maybe if you do that you will learn other helpful things that will not make you repulsive to women, so you know, you can have someone in your life that cares about you.
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