Monday, March 26, 2012


I've dealt with my fair share of hypocrites in high school and my college life, but I never thought they would follow me into my adult life. I mean, I did kind of expect it, but at the same time, you are an adult, you need to act like one. I always try to practice what I preach, and I will admit, I sometimes do fall short, but I think I have made a lot of progress. I am no longer in a self-destructive relationship, I am taking better care of my self health wise, I got a good job that  I love, and I try not to take too much offense when people are passive aggressive with me. I used to be very confrontational when someone was passive aggressive with me, but lately I've just been letting crazy be crazy. Yes, it does sometimes bother me, but I've used my better judgement, mostly because the people being passive aggressive are family or friends. I can think of a handful of people that I would love to call up and tell them to go to hell because they are passive aggressive with me and have been getting away with it. I am not a doormat, I just don't give enough f*cks to get into it with you.

Also, if you are going to give advice, please practice what you preach. I understand why people give advice. Maybe it's from a life lesson they've learned or maybe they have someone they know going through something similar and are giving insight into what you can do. However, if you are dishing out advice, you should stand behind your advice and practice what you preach. Recently I have had some people in my life give me advice, and I've seen (and heard) it given to many people, yet the person giving the advice doesn't seem to follow their own advice. I am a big believer in karma, and there are a huge list of people that I'm waiting for it to hit. I know I shouldn't be vengeful, but seriously, if some of you have heard the bulls*it I've been hearing, you would patiently be awaiting sweet lady karma too.

I have recently decided that if a family member or a close friend is being passive aggressive with me, I am going to confront them. I am not going to be passive aggressive or nasty back, I'm going to simply tell them they are really being very rude and being a hypocrite and shouldn't tell me what to do or judge me for my decisions. I am sick and tired of hearing people say one thing and then turn around and do another. I know, it is their decision on how to run their life, but seriously, grow up. It was very hard to write this entry without going into too much detail on the people I've been dealing with, and I'm not going to call them out on my blog. But just be warned, if you are going to be a jerk to me, I am going to call you out and tell you to go to hell.

And now a puppy in a sink...


Monday, March 19, 2012


I don't understand some people. Why can't everyone just live by the rule "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Sure, when I scroll through my Facebook feed I have plenty of comments about peoples statuses, but I don't post them, because I'm nice like that (ha). My top comments that I either share with Andrew or say in my head are:

1. Whorebag!
2. Do you think picture is really the best representation of who you are as a person?
3. Oh great ANOTHER baby picture. Yes, it appears that your kid did move a half inch so you must take a picture!
4. What the actual f*ck?
5. Just Google it!
6. OVERSHARE! Tell me more!
7. Oh you are SUCH a hypocrite!
8. Oh what a clever saying you have there, I bet you worked really hard on thinking that up ALL BY YOURSELF.

There is a huge difference between sharing your comments with someone else and actually saying them to the person. I know that some people simply don't have a filter between their brain and their mouth, which is a whole other issue within itself. It just really bugs me when someone has to go the extra mile to make you feel bad. Sometimes you may think that what you say is constructive criticism, but in reality, you're just being a huge douche. Is this how you want people to treat you too? If it is, I will gladly return the favor. In the past year or so I've had to deal with people who were mean and condescending to me, and the best part was that they were being a huge hypocrite. There are some people in my Facebook that I should just unfriend, but if I did it would start a sh*t storm of epic proportions because they are friends with a family member or another close friend. I rather keep them than delete them and say "I deleted you because you're a huge ass and think that you can say one thing and then do another" when they text me confronting me about why I unfriended them. Especially because I will see these people in upcoming social situations. I recently encountered a situation like this with someone that I could not unfriend because, like I said, epic shit storm. So I decided to just not confront the person (that would have made it even worse) and just let crazy be crazy. I let them say their crazy shit to me, and I just moved on. It wasn't worth my time getting involved in a confrontation with this person. I just simply got a throwaway Reddit account and shared my story on there.

Another thing that drives me NUTS is when people start drama on Facebook, and like the little comic says "The amount of times that you say you hate drama is directly proportional to the amount of times you actually create it." I could go on for days telling stories of girls I have known who preached this to me, but then would turn around and start drama with me if I didn't follow them blindly. I have dealt with the nastiest girl this side of the Mississippi and from the beginning I wanted NOTHING to do with her. She was a friend of my ex's and she just lived in a drama filled cesspool. And when I wanted nothing to do with her, all the drama started. The lies, the accusations, the fights, all from this one person that I had met maybe twice. She sent me threatening Facebook messages and called me every name in the book, yet when I came face to face with her, she would stay as far away from me as possible. I finally got rid of her, but it took a lot of ignoring and patience, even after she was contacting good friends of mine talking trash to them. SMDH. Oh and no one (including my ex) would come to my defense when she started trying to start all this drama with me, so I just let crazy bitches be crazy bitches, and in the end, I made out so much better.

 I recently had an issue with someone that just came out of left field, but my better judgement told me to just leave it alone, let crazy be crazy, and all and all I think it was the best decision. I also can't stand it when people post something like "Urgh, been crying all morning" and then when people ask whats wrong, they say "I don't want to talk about it" or "its personal." Well then, continue listening to your Fall Out Boy and Dashboard Confessional in the dark, but don't post it on Facebook if its "personal." People love drama, hell I will even admit that I love the occasional juicy gossip story and all the drama it entails, but I never get involved. Every girl loves drama. If you meet one that says they don't, they are a liar, and most of the time they're the ones that start the drama. I have a list of a few of the nastiest people I've ever dealt with that started "drama" with me and they were girls who said "oh no, I don't like other girls, they start too much drama. I hate drama." If any girl says this to you, RUN! This is code for: "I live to fuel the fires of drama and start as much drama as I can and then cry victim."   Usually when someone writes me a condescending message on a crafting site I'm on, I just respond with a nice simple answer and not even acknowledge that they were incredibly rude to me. I've gotten a few mean messages from members who think that since they have been there longer their sh*t don't stink and they can talk down to me, which is incredibly frustrating, but now I just leave it be. If they want to think they are queen bitch, I'll let them. Someone else can deal with their crap.

Back to my original point: if you have nothing nice to say, just shut your damn mouth and don't take it the extra step. It will never end well for you, so just zip it. Working in retail for so many years I have experienced some of the nastiest people who just can't shut their mouth. I could tell story after story about the ridiculous shenannegans that I've heard from customers, but that's for another time. But seriously, why can't people just be NICE? I will admit I haven't always been the nicest person, but when someone is acting normally and being calm, why start something? Like if someone posts something on Facebook (the current trending topics are: female reproductive rights, politics, and sports) and you don't have anything valuable to add to the conversation, i.e. you are a troll or just in the mood to be a douche, don't post. You look like an idiot. Also, men: stop commenting on female reproductive rights. I'm sure you have a stance on it, but unless its "women should have the right to choose," please do not comment. I know, it involves you since it takes two to tango, but right now this is a hot bed issue that women are VERY passionate about, and since men have NOTHING to compare this to, it's really not your place to comment.

So please, be nice to people, there's some saying about smiles and going miles, but just chill out and be calm.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Metro Manners: Men

This post will be dedicated entirely to men and their horrific manners on public transportation. The picture I have inserted is from when I was on the train not too long ago. It was a crowded train and this man decided "F everyone else, I want this bench all to myself!" So once the person sitting next to him got off, the woman standing next to me with a baby in one of those front baby slings tries to go and sit down, only to have him move more towards the middle and then spread his legs out. REALLY?! Where did you grow up? Did your mother teach you no manners?!?! And this isn't the first time something like this has happened. So here are the metro manners that men need to learn:

#1. When a lady has a baby, you move, or you get up and let her sit down. That is an unwritten rule of being a man and being polite. Hell, even I have gotten up to give my seat to a pregnant woman or a woman carrying a baby.

#2. You ALWAYS offer your seat to a lady. Even if a woman is not with child or carrying one around, you should always offer your seat first. That is one of the top rules of etiquette. That is just common sense. And let me guess, I bet you're single, you think there's a reason? This kid didn't and look what happened to him: Bus Driver Beatdown.

#3. Never shove a woman out of the way so you can get the seat. You should never EVER put your hands on a woman, period, especially to get her out of your way. I had an incident this morning where I was walking along the platform with the flow of people, minding my own business, when all of a sudden a short man comes running through the crowd the wrong way (instead of walking with the crowd next to us going his way) and put both hands on my sides and shoved me out of the way. I slammed into the side of a Metro car, and if the car hadn't been there, I would have fallen off the platform onto the tracks. REALLY GUY?!?! Really? Where were you raised to treat a lady like that?!

#4. As the picture shows, sometimes men will take up an entire bench to themselves because they feel they're entitled. Well let me just set the record straight: NO man or woman is entitled to have an entire bench to themselves. Now I guarantee that if the situation was reversed and they were denied a seat, all hell would break loose. Once when riding (I actually put a picture of this on my FB a few months ago, I think around Halloween) this guy decided that he needs an entire designated handicapped bench for himself and his laptop case and his lunchbox. The man was later identified by a friend as someone who prides them self on being involved with the government. Total douche. I think if I remember correctly, the caption was something like "well apparently this asshole is going as a big fat fatty jerk for Halloween, as you can see, he needs the entire bench for his dough-boy ass and his precious computer case and lunchbox." Something along those lines.

Those are my top four most annoying things that men do on the Metro. In addition to that here is: hocking a loogie and spitting it on the platform, usually indoors, but you should NEVER spit in front of women anyways, and on an indoor floor none the less. Staring is one of my biggest pet peeves. I've had a few men stare at me like they wanted to take me home and chain me up in their basement, yes, super creepy men that you hear about in these child kidnapping stories. And lets not forget the douche who can afford the newest iPhone, but can't afford the headphones, even though they come with the thing. There is nothing I hate more than some jerk sitting in and enclosed space blasting his music from his phone because he just HAS to listen to it and can't put on his damn headphones. Thank you for raping everyone's ears with your terrible "music."

So men of the world who ride public transportation, please for the love of all things holy, grow a pair and act like a gentleman. Go and check out Peter Post's "Essential Manners for Men." Hey and maybe if you do that you will learn other helpful things that will not make you repulsive to women, so you know, you can have someone in your life that cares about you.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Three Books I've Read

Over the past few years I've read a few books, and after I read my most recent book, The End of Everything by Megan Abbott, it inspired me to write this post. I'll post a summary and a review of the book at the end. 

The first, which I actually read two years ago, is the autobiography Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall. Elissa Wall is a former member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and gave a powerful courtroom testimony that help put Warren Jeffs behind bars. It describes her upbringing with several mothers, brothers and sisters, and only one father and their day to day life. Forced into marriage at the age of 14 to her first cousin, she recounts the nightly rapes she endured from the man that was 'appointed by God' to be her husband. Elissa finally broke free when she turned 18 and has since gotten married and had two children with her now husband. There is so much more to this book and to her story and I really do encourage everyone to read it. It is an eye-opening, heart breaking work, and I am amazed that she had the strength to confront not only Warren Jeffs, but her former 'husband' in Jeffs trial and then write a tell-all about it. I encourage anyone who is curious about the FLDS to read this book. Another book that I have and have yet to read is Escape by Carolyn Jessup, who was also a member of the FLDS who escaped the grasp of the church.

The second book I'm going to talk about is one many have already read, A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. This is a phenomenal book. The fact that someone could go through what she went through for more than 18 years and still live and have the courage to tell about, is beyond incredible to me. We all know the story, she was kidnapped on her way to the bus stop when she was only 11 years old, held in captivity by two people, Phillip Craig and Nancy Garrido, gave birth to two daughters, and was finally rescued after police noticed suspicious activity. The things she wrote about brought me to tears, yes, I was actually shedding tears on the Metro (where I do most of my reading). I know people who have children, daughters mostly, who have read this book and it has rocked them to their core. This could happen to any child, anywhere at any time. I don't think I would have been able to make it all the way though this book if I had children. I recently read some reviews for it on and mostly focused on the ones that gave the book a 1-star review. I was shocked and disgusted by what some of the people had to say that gave the book a 1-star rating: "It doesn't evoke emotion, it simply beckons boredom. I started skipping over parts because I just couldn't read another paragraph in extreme detail about another cat or dog and how much she loves it or it loves her, or her wondering about her mother in no actual terms, just generically speaking. The whole story felt vacant - generic. So I would not recommend this book" and "It's nearly impossible to accurately describe how badly this book is written. Possibly the worst book I've ever had the misfortune of reading, certainly in a very long time. The author's utterly harrowing story is presented so ineptly, so disjointedly and awkwardly, you just keep skipping ahead hoping it gets better. It doesn't." Many people criticized her writing abilities, which if you hadn't been in school since you were 11, do you think you could do better? I really didn't find any flaws in her writing. I understand that SHE wanted to write the book, not hire a bunch of writers to do it for her. She prepares the reader for her skipping around and how the book is somewhat disjointed, because this is how she remembers it. She does go into great detail about the dogs and cats on the property because these were the only things she felt loved her and she loved back. It really amazes me at how many people are out there just critiquing her writing abilities and not the fact that she survived daily torture from a man and woman who kept her in their backyard like an animal for almost 18 years. If you haven't read this book, and are up for an emotional challenge, I would recommend it. I will warn you though, you will cry and it will really make you realize how lucky you are that you or your children were not abducted and held like she was. 

The book I just finished yesterday, The End of Everything was a novel set in the 1980's, told from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl who's best friend is kidnapped one afternoon after school. Lizzie, the main character, takes in upon herself to investigate what really happened to her friend. No, this is not some sort of 13-year-old detective story, but more of an emotional ride of what a 13-year-old would go through if her best friend was kidnapped and how she would find out what really happened to her. Discovering things about her best friend made her realize that maybe she didn't really know her as well as she thought she did. I would recommend this book to fans of fiction. It's not necessarily a mystery novel, but it is on the dark side of fiction. 

The next two books I have up on my plate are: Graveminder by Melissa Marr and 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz. I'm really hoping that this book by Koontz is better than his last one, "What the Night Knows." I personally didn't like it because I felt like it dragged on, and in all honesty, gave up 3/4 of the way through. His Frankenstein series however, whats phenomenal! Happy Reading!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh Metro..

So I read this morning in the paper I get on my way into the Metro station that there is a billboard that says "Go to Hell Barack" on it. I'm not sure how I want to react to this. Yes, I am a registered Republican, but the bigger issue is: how did the Metro marketing department let this one slip by? So I got to work and Googled it, and found the linked article and watched the video, then it hit me: this. Obama is cutting federal funding to the Metro system, and then I thought, well maybe this is Metro sticking it to him. They said they can't reject ad's based on political content and they are protecting the first amendment. 

Bravo Metro, bravo. 

(Picture is what I found when I got on the train this morning. Don't feel like using the 50 trash cans provided as soon as you get off the train? No probs, THIS IS AMERICA! Just leave it, someone else will clean it up! FAIL.) 


Friday, March 2, 2012

Public Manners - Part 1

Today for my first official post I am going to talk about public manners, and why they are so important. As a rider of the public transportation system (DC Metro) I frequently notice (or am forced to endure) peoples inability to act like well educated human beings that are the product of 4 billion years of evolutionary success. I will be posting a series of these within the next month (hopefully) and to give you a little insight into what it is like to ride the metro twice a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks out of the year. Let us begin..

I don't think some people have quite a grasp on what a cell phone is and how you work it. When you talk on your cell phone, you are not enclosed in a private sound proof bubble. Unless you are whispering (which I actually try to do so as to not disturb everyone around me) then everyone near you will hear your conversation, and lets be honest here, you always eavesdrop on other peoples conversations. However, if you are in an enclosed space, lets say, a store or a metro car, and you are yelling, everyone can hear you, is listening, and everyone is judging. That's just human nature, it's what we do. Recently I was on a metro car on the orange line and a woman gets on the train yelling. At first I thought she was deranged (as you so often see on public transportation) but it turns out she had a bluetooth head set and was yelling at someone on the other end. A lot of F-bombs and N-bombs were dropped. From what I heard on my side of the conversation, someone came over to her house talking crap about her father and she jumped on him and beat the hell out of him (because, you know, that is the most socially acceptable response) and she was arrested. She was also talking about a job she was going to interview for the government to whom I assume was her mother because she kept calling her "mom." And I honestly wouldn't be shocked if they hired her, since they only hire the best of the best. I've also overheard conversations like "yeah gurl I went to the doctor, he said it wasn't herpes, so they took a sample," yeah, I threw up in my mouth, and I bet you just did too. 

My all-time favorite example of this takes me back to Borders when "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" had just gained a lot of national attention and it was #1 on the best sellers list. So a woman who is walking through the store on her phone says "OMG have you read 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?!'" and I assume that the person on the other line said no because she goes into telling her what the book's premise was. She then said "Well, are you going to read it? I can just tell you what happens." At that point my ears perked right up because if this woman was stupid enough to summarize the entire book while standing in the middle of a BOOKSTORE yacking on her phone. She wasn't by any means being discreet and keeping her volume to a minimum, nope, she was talking like the person was sitting across a very noisy table from her. I thought to my self "she isn't that stupid. Would someone really do that?" Well, she did. She started off by doing a recap of what she already told her but then started to go into detail about tons of things that are surprises in the book, including how it ends. So now someone who was actually holding the book and standing next to her put the book back (right in front of her) and calmly walked out of the store. Thankfully I had already read the book, but if I hadn't I would be beyond furious with this person. They ruined an international best seller, and cost me a sale. Flipping idiot. 

I also find it such a fail that public transportation has to put up signs that specifically say that there is no spitting on the trains or the buses. Apparently, some people were raised in the wild and feel that it's okay to spit wherever they wish. Remember: it usually isn't a rule unless someone is stupid enough to not know the difference between right and wrong. I've stood next to vomit on a train, which let me tell you, is just the bees knees. I just don't understand people. If you really have to be told that spitting on the train is unacceptable, you probably shouldn'ride the train leave your house. And spitting in public is just unacceptable to me. I don't know how many times I have been walking down the street and seen someone 'hock a loogie' and spit, right there, right in my direct path of travel. Spitting in public where people can see you is just disgusting. I understand if you are with your bros and hanging out and what not in someones backyard, but if you are in a crowded metro platform or sitting outside in a public place with lots of people around, it is just unacceptable. Please, carry a little mini thing of tissues for these occasions. 

This last one (for now) is probably the one that annoys me the most. I don't know how many times I have found myself in Target or Walmart (wearing my best pajamas of course) and I'm browsing in an aisle only to have my ears assaulted by some teenage jackass who decides that it is okay to blast his terrible underground rap music from his phone speakers. Hearing the P word, the N bomb, and the F bomb dropped as every other "lyric" is really just a crime of living. Seriously, is that music the best representation of you as a person? Are you going to go smack around some hoes and put a bullet in their chest? I'm going to go with "what is no?" for $2,000 Alex. My favorite thing about most of these are teenagers and you can tell by looking at their clothing and the area you're in that they grew up in a mcmansion, with happily married parents, a dog, and two younger siblings. These are the kinds of kids who's only exposure to guns is from playing Battlefield 3 on their new X-Box in their game room in the basement of their parents 3,500 square foot house. This kind of stuff infuriates me. I've lived in Baltimore City, I've work on projects in 'da projects' (some for school and some for an internship), and let me tell you, those little punk-ass kids would last about 30 seconds before someone came up, held them at gunpoint, and stole their brand new Rockawear jacket and their limited edition Jordans. So now this little snippet of my blog has turned to my hatred for these teens who think they are hardcore, because I really really can't stand them. Lets do this: I challenge you to locate one of these people next time you are in public (they aren't hard to spot, or hear) and size them up. Are they wearing the newest, latest and greatest fashions? Have the newest Droid or iPhone? I'll bet money the answer is yes, but be careful, these kids will "pop a cap in your ass," if they can first figure out what that means.

This concludes my session on pubic manners for now, I have many, many more.

P.S. - I will be doing a bulk of my writing at home and then proofreading and uploading at work on my break. So if you see something added around noon on a weekday, it's because I'm at lunch, not because I'm not doing work. I work my ass off.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

After So Many Years

After so many years of not blogging, I'm thinking about bringing it back. I used to "blog" a lot on Myspace and would always get a ton of hits and comments, so I'm starting back up again. I'm now 24 and have already had my quarter-life crisis. I'm living in College Park, MD with my boo, Andrew, and my pound puppy, Charlie.

I cant lie, I am not the one that came up with the name for the blog. The name from my blog came from, which is fun if you have time to just piss away. I was originally going to name it "My High-Heeled Florescent Lit Life" but I won't be blogging about work, so it didn't make any sense to me.

When I blogged on the ill-fated Myspace, it was mostly about my life as a barista at the greedy corporate capital, Starbucks, and then Borders. While I had fun getting out frustrations there, I migrated over to Facebook and never looked back. I can't get on this whole Twitter bandwagon. I mean I "follow" people (but only check it once a week when I remember) but have no real interest in expressing myself in 140 characters or less.

The only blogs I really follow are Suri's Burn Book, Brown Eyed Baker, The Food in My Beard, and Reddit (but I don't think that counts). I am also active on Pinterest, and I was on it before it became this huge national phenomenon (yes, I just had a hipster moment there). I always read and heard about people who have a real Reddit account that they use and post on, and then a secret account where they post things that they don't want others to know about or find them talking about. As of Monday, I have become one of those people. If you don't know what Reddit is, you are way behind the times. There is no real way to explain it, just go check it out. And the reason I have two accounts is so that one I can keep track of and comment on things, but the other so that I can post things asking for advice on a range of insane situations that I find myself in, mostly asking for reassurance that I am not crazy and the person I'm asking about is crazy and in the wrong.

So topics I will discuss in my blogs will be including but not limited to: fashion (or lack there of), public transportation (so many people love my little rants on Facebook), past experiences from working at Starbucks or Borders and what life lessons I have learned (like if you tell someone to lower their voice or calm down they will do the exact opposite), today's youth, current events, and celebrity news.

I hope my blog is of some interest to some people and that I have people regularly tuning in (I will also be bumping it on Facebook every time I write a new post). That's all for now. If I don't forget about this thing in the next few days, I will post some more. And that's a big IF.
