I don't understand some people. Why can't everyone just live by the rule "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Sure, when I scroll through my Facebook feed I have plenty of comments about peoples statuses, but I don't post them, because I'm nice like that (ha). My top comments that I either share with Andrew or say in my head are:
1. Whorebag!
2. Do you think picture is really the best representation of who you are as a person?
3. Oh great ANOTHER baby picture. Yes, it appears that your kid did move a half inch so you must take a picture!
4. What the actual f*ck?
5. Just Google it!
6. OVERSHARE! Tell me more!
7. Oh you are SUCH a hypocrite!
8. Oh what a clever saying you have there, I bet you worked really hard on thinking that up ALL BY YOURSELF.

There is a huge difference between sharing your comments with someone else and actually saying them to the person. I know that some people simply don't have a filter between their brain and their mouth, which is a whole other issue within itself. It just really bugs me when someone has to go the extra mile to make you feel bad. Sometimes you may think that what you say is constructive criticism, but in reality, you're just being a huge douche. Is this how you want people to treat you too? If it is, I will gladly return the favor. In the past year or so I've had to deal with people who were mean and condescending to me, and the best part was that they were being a huge hypocrite. There are some people in my Facebook that I should just unfriend, but if I did it would start a sh*t storm of epic proportions because they are friends with a family member or another close friend. I rather keep them than delete them and say "I deleted you because you're a huge ass and think that you can say one thing and then do another" when they text me confronting me about why I unfriended them. Especially because I will see these people in upcoming social situations. I recently encountered a situation like this with someone that I could not unfriend because, like I said, epic shit storm. So I decided to just not confront the person (that would have made it even worse) and just let crazy be crazy. I let them say their crazy shit to me, and I just moved on. It wasn't worth my time getting involved in a confrontation with this person. I just simply got a throwaway Reddit account and shared my story on there.
Another thing that drives me NUTS is when people start drama on Facebook, and like the little comic says "The amount of times that you say you hate drama is directly proportional to the amount of times you actually create it." I could go on for days telling stories of girls I have known who preached this to me, but then would turn around and start drama with me if I didn't follow them blindly. I have dealt with the nastiest girl this side of the Mississippi and from the beginning I wanted NOTHING to do with her. She was a friend of my ex's and she just lived in a drama filled cesspool. And when I wanted nothing to do with her, all the drama started. The lies, the accusations, the fights, all from this one person that I had met maybe twice. She sent me threatening Facebook messages and called me every name in the book, yet when I came face to face with her, she would stay as far away from me as possible. I finally got rid of her, but it took a lot of ignoring and patience, even after she was contacting good friends of mine talking trash to them. SMDH. Oh and no one (including my ex) would come to my defense when she started trying to start all this drama with me, so I just let crazy bitches be crazy bitches, and in the end, I made out so much better.
I recently had an issue with someone that just came out of left field, but my better judgement told me to just leave it alone, let crazy be crazy, and all and all I think it was the best decision. I also can't stand it when people post something like "Urgh, been crying all morning" and then when people ask whats wrong, they say "I don't want to talk about it" or "its personal." Well then, continue listening to your Fall Out Boy and Dashboard Confessional in the dark, but don't post it on Facebook if its "personal." People love drama, hell I will even admit that I love the occasional juicy gossip story and all the drama it entails, but I never get involved. Every girl loves drama. If you meet one that says they don't, they are a liar, and most of the time they're the ones that start the drama. I have a list of a few of the nastiest people I've ever dealt with that started "drama" with me and they were girls who said "oh no, I don't like other girls, they start too much drama. I hate drama." If any girl says this to you, RUN! This is code for: "I live to fuel the fires of drama and start as much drama as I can and then cry victim." Usually when someone writes me a condescending message on a crafting site I'm on, I just respond with a nice simple answer and not even acknowledge that they were incredibly rude to me. I've gotten a few mean messages from members who think that since they have been there longer their sh*t don't stink and they can talk down to me, which is incredibly frustrating, but now I just leave it be. If they want to think they are queen bitch, I'll let them. Someone else can deal with their crap.
Back to my original point: if you have nothing nice to say, just shut your damn mouth and don't take it the extra step. It will never end well for you, so just zip it. Working in retail for so many years I have experienced some of the nastiest people who just can't shut their mouth. I could tell story after story about the ridiculous shenannegans that I've heard from customers, but that's for another time. But seriously, why can't people just be NICE? I will admit I haven't always been the nicest person, but when someone is acting normally and being calm, why start something? Like if someone posts something on Facebook (the current trending topics are: female reproductive rights, politics, and sports) and you don't have anything valuable to add to the conversation, i.e. you are a troll or just in the mood to be a douche, don't post. You look like an idiot. Also, men: stop commenting on female reproductive rights. I'm sure you have a stance on it, but unless its "women should have the right to choose," please do not comment. I know, it involves you since it takes two to tango, but right now this is a hot bed issue that women are VERY passionate about, and since men have NOTHING to compare this to, it's really not your place to comment.
So please, be nice to people, there's some saying about smiles and going miles, but just chill out and be calm.