This post is going to be solely dedicated to riding the metro during the summer. Now, I know some of you think that you know the metro like the back of your hand and think that anytime is a good time to ride the metro, but you're wrong. Way, way wrong. If you think that riding during rush hour is the best idea because there will be more trains, you're in over your head. I have complied a few tips you can use, should you choose to ride the metro during the summer like a typical tourist.
1. Ride between 10am and 4pm. First of all, it's cheaper and metro is about to hike its fares this summer, and second, you won't have to deal with as many people going to work. I've said it before and I'll say it again: people during their morning and afternoon commute can be mean. They'll shove you aside if that means they make it in the train before the doors close.
2. If you are going into the city to see the museums and stuff, go during the week. School is almost out for summer, and that means no more field trips with hundreds of children pouring off yellow school buses. The middle of the week (Tuesday through Thursday) is the best time to go. Everyone who took an extended weekend has already left or haven't made it into the city, and thus, you get more of the museum to yourself.
3. If you're bringing a stroller, do not take it on the escalator. Yes, I know you're thinking "who would do that?!" and believe me, I've seen it done, many many times by ignorant people who think that blocking the entire escalator with their stroller that is housing their little angel is a good idea. Personally to me it screams that you're a negligent parent, and it kind of reminds me when I saw this woman leave her baby in a Target shopping cart while it went down the cart only escalator that has the big sign that says "REMOVE ALL CHILDREN." This is a bad idea on so many levels. First, there is no way to not block the entire escalator (remember: stand right, walk left), and other than that it is just the most unsafe thing you could do. I've seen children fall out, the stroller slip, and so on, and if you lose control of the stroller and it hits someone in the back, be ready for the third degree from some woman who claims to have all kinds of disabilities. Remember, the law doesn't help stupid. Please use common sense and take the elevator.
4. If you're bringing a stroller, don't travel at peak times. People have to jam onto the cars as it is, and you will get no sympathy because you have a child. And if your child is screaming or crying, get ready for everyone to look at you like you're the worst parent in the world and then make similar remarks under their breath.
5. When you hear "Step back, door's closing" you get out of the way. If you're about to miss the train, just miss it. If you make it on and your kid doesn't, metro doesn't care. If you are on an already packed train and something (your backpack, stroller, or purse) gets caught in the door, move it quickly. I've been on a packed metro car where someone couldn't move their bag out of the way and refused to get off the train, so they kicked us all off. Don't be that guy.
6. Take a look at the map online and figure out where you're getting on and off. There are maps available at every station. Also, if you are going to be walking all over the city, you should probably just buy a day pass instead of trying to calculate how much it is exactly going to be for your ride. You could walk all over and discover you're closer to one station than the one you got off at, or you could be a running a few minutes late and then get stuck in rush hour when the prices get jacked up. And dealing with station managers is no fun. I've maybe run into one nice one in the year I've been riding regularly.
What I hope you take away from this is that while riding the metro into the city is probably the best option (because parking can be a bitch), you have to be smart about it. Metro is about to change up a bunch of things with their scheduling (apparently more trains at the busier stations -- I'll believe it when I see it) and you can get turned around and confused incredibly easily. If you do come into the city, I hope you enjoy it. I really do enjoy working in the city, but not riding the god forsaken metro.
Happy travels and always remember.. STAND RIGHT WALK LEFT!